Our eyes are one of our body parts that express our emotional states and what we want to tell, have a facilitating effect in our communication and have the greatest importance for our self-confidence. Almond eye aesthetics has been a matter of curiosity in recent years at this point.

In order to eliminate some hereditary problems with advancing age, eye operations are eliminated with the latest technology and advanced medical methods.

In particular, it is a medical procedure that will make the eyes stand out more in the face area, complete the aesthetic appearance in the face area, make the eyes appear larger and appear proportional to the face. Almond eye aesthetics, which has been applied by many people with its increasing popularity in recent years, is basically the process of bringing a deep meaning to the gaze by pulling the eyes slightly upwards.

In these solutions, where the operation time is very short and there is no risk, the recovery period is 15 days. In order to make the necessary follow-up after the surgery, the person should come for the control and discuss any problems with the physician, if any.